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Corporate Magic Workshop

An amazing Magic Workshop for your Staff!


Your employees will:

- Learn numerous Magic Tricks

- Improve Confidence and Social Skills

- Enjoy interactive Team Bonding

- Have lots of fun!


What do you get?

The Magician will treat your staff to a Magic Show, followed by an interactive Magic Workshop.  

This is the perfect work event.  It is lots of fun, interactive, engaging and informative.  


BONUS: You can also receive Financial Wizardry from our Magician who is a Pro Financial Planner and has used magic for 20 years to enhance Sales and Business results!

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The Perfect Work Event

Are you looking for a work activity or a Team Bonding event for your staff?

Our Workshops are 90 minutes and can be held in your office.  They include lots of fun Close-Up Magic with a hands-on Workshop that is sure to keep your employees intrigued and entertained long after we've gone. 

Our Pro Financial Planner Magician can also offer some very useful financial tips and guidance while he's at it, delivered with a unique magical flair!

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